Can ED/impotence be cured?

According the incidence of ED in Thailand in 2008, it was found that Thai men aged between 40-70 years had ED up to 42.18%, higher than the first survey in 2000, which contained 37.5%. This incidence in men worldwide, aged 40-80 years, was between 8-28% or approx. 152 million men (The results of a survey in 1995). It is expected that there will be approx. 322 million impotent men within 2025. Thus, male impotence/ED is an issue that should not be neglected.  

นกเขาไม่ขันก่อนวัย เสื่อมสมรรถภาพชายก่อนวัย หย่อนสมรรถภาพก่อนวัย

Be careful! Frequent “ED” can cause “permanent male impotence.”

Naturally, there are 3 mechanisms of erection.  

  1. When brain is stimulated by any stimuli or when having sexual desire, it will transfer a command to brainstem.   
  2. Then, the command will be passed through the spinal cord down to the center of erection at penis, and then through nerves.    
  3. Nerves will stimulate blood vessels in penis to enlarge. As a result, more blood comes to nourish this part, finally causing erection of penis.  
การแข็งตัวอวัยวะเพศชาย กลไกอวัยวะเพศชาย โรคหย่อนสมรรถภาพ

In case of disorders at a certain mechanism, problems of erections will occur, which can cause impotence, e.g., nervous tissue disorders, arterial disorders, and venous disorders.

What is male impotence/ED?

Impotence, or so-called “Erectile dysfunction (ED),” refers to penis that is unable to erect at all or unable to erect long enough for sexual intercourse. This symptom can occur to men at any age ranges. But it is commonly found more when getting older.

สาเหตุโรคหย่อนสมรรถภาพ สาเหตุนกเขาไม่ขัน สาเหตุโรคเสื่อมสมรรถภาพ

The key causes of ED/impotence

ED or impotence in men is mostly caused by physical and mental factors, including reinforcing factors due to illnesses of some diseases and some habits as follows

  • Disorders of sexual organ, e.g., undescended testis, varicocele, testicular torsion, or infected sexual organs, and chronic conditions.
  • ED due to aging or andropause.
  • Diseases, e.g., diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, vascular diseases, liver diseases, and renal diseases.
  •  Side effects of cancer treatment, e.g., radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
  • Regular smoking and drinking at a large amount.
  • Stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
  • Some surgery or use of some drugs.
การแข็งตัวอวัยวะเพศชาย กลไกอวัยวะเพศชาย โรคหย่อนสมรรถภาพ

Are these the signs… of ED?

ED is not only a daily problem but also causes problems in love life, for it causes fighting and possibly gets worst to breakup or divorce. Notice quickly! ‘in case of any signs of impotence/ED, you should go to see a doctor.’ 

  • Lower strength, fatigue, exhaustion, weakness.
  • Lower muscle mass.
  • Lower sexual emotion and desire, or no sexual emotion at all.
  • Erection problems, unable to erect throughout sexual intercourse, or unable to erect well for sexual intercourse.
  • Premature ejaculation (PE) or delayed ejaculation (DE).
  • Low sperm count, or weak sperms.
  • Low flow rate of urine or dysuria.
เสื่อมสมรรถภาพทางเพศหย่อนสมรรถภาพทางเพศ กับชีวิตคู่

If you are doubting whether or not you are having ED, you can go for in-depth vascular examination with a medical specialist to find out causes of impotence and to receive holistic care/rehabilitation.

The effects on ED

  1. Self-confidence, which possibly causes depression.  
  2. Relationship with family members or lovers.  
  3. A warning sign of health problems, e.g., CVD, etc.
รักษานกเขาไม่ขัน แก้นกเขาไม่ขัน

Impotence treatment guidelines

At Dr.Trin Wellness, we use BioPeptide Active combined with various types of treatment in accordance with international research guidelines to take care of your penis as a holistis perspective.   

BioPeptide Active is a concentrated plasmatic extract that helps penis rehabilitation for better erection and for being usable again. It reduces undesirable symptoms, rehabilitates tissues, and stimulates formation of new vascular branches, because the extracted concentrate plasma contains proteins that promote cell growth or growth factors, e.g., collagen formation protein, vascular formation protein, and muscle repair protein.  

PRP พลาส่า รักษานกเขาไม่ขัน เสื่อมสมรรถภาพ

The advantages of ED rehabilitation by BioPeptide Active

  • Precise treatment and rehabilitation of sexual potency problems, with better health.
  • Treatment and rehabilitation of sensory perception and better feelings at penis for greater sexual emotion.
  • Better erection. 
  • More blood circulation of penis for quick and longer erection.
  • More blood circulation of penis for quick and longer erection.
  • Better urination and better flow rate.  
  • Non-surgical, short treatment, no need to take time for recovery. 

Reviews of ED treatment by BioPeptide

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