1. Check blood fat, (Cholesterol)
It is a type of fat that the body synthesizes itsel and also obtained from the food eaten. Types of lean meat, animal fluid, animal skin, egg yolk, milk, butter and seafood. The normal cholesterol level should not exceed 200 mg. /dl. And if it is found that it is higher, controls must be implemented. Many studies have found that if the cholesterol level can be reduced the risk and occurence of coronary artery disease reduces as well.
2. Check blood fat, (Triglyceride)
This fat is partly caused by diet and synthesis in the body. Foods such as dessert food Or alcohol Which triglycerides are fats that are important to the body The level of triglycerides in the blood is often high in obese people. If triglycerides increase the level The risk of heart disease Coronary artery disease or paralysis Paralysis will also be more.
3. Check LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein)
It’s the unhealthy fat found in pork fat, palm oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, butter, margarine, processed cream, pastries, or fried potatoes. If it sticks to artery walls, it narrows them, raising the risk of blocked arteries.
4. Check HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein)
It’s the fat responsible for removing cholesterol from body cells to be destroyed in the liver. It’s a good fat found in fish and through exercise. So, if HDL levels are high, it reduces the risk of artery disease, especially if it exceeds 50 mg/dL.