Fat is an important compound, found throughout the body. This provides energy, nourishes the brain, absorbs vitamins and assists in the regulation of the body’ temperature. When there is too much fat present in the body, the risk if chronic illness and problems associated increases.

A blood lipid test, or Lipid Profile, measures various types of fats in your blood.

A Lipid Profile blood test is completed to measure the composition of all fats in our blood, to discover the risk of future chronic diseases, in addition to blood sugar levels and blood pressure. “Blood flat” is a risk factor that causes many issues as it sticks to the walls and parts of vessels, directly affecting the occurence of atherosclerosis, especially in the blood velssels that lead directly to the heart. If atherosclerosis occurs, blood circulation is lessened and it it difficult to feed the heart and other organs the required nutrients, which can result in paralysis. Therefore it is important to check and know what the fact values are and also how to remedy the problem or clear the fat in the blood vessels.

A blood lipid test covering the four main types of fats helps you assess disease risk earlier!

1. Check blood fat, (Cholesterol)    

It is a type of fat that the body synthesizes itsel and also obtained from the food eaten. Types of lean meat, animal fluid, animal skin, egg yolk, milk, butter and seafood. The normal cholesterol level should not exceed 200 mg. /dl. And if it is found that it is higher, controls must be implemented. Many studies have found that if the cholesterol level can be reduced the risk and occurence of coronary artery disease reduces as well.  

2. Check blood fat, (Triglyceride)

This fat is partly caused by diet and synthesis in the body. Foods such as dessert food Or alcohol Which triglycerides are fats that are important to the body The level of triglycerides in the blood is often high in obese people. If triglycerides increase the level The risk of heart disease Coronary artery disease or paralysis Paralysis will also be more.

3. Check LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) 

It’s the unhealthy fat found in pork fat, palm oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, butter, margarine, processed cream, pastries, or fried potatoes. If it sticks to artery walls, it narrows them, raising the risk of blocked arteries.

4. Check HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) 

 It’s the fat responsible for removing cholesterol from body cells to be destroyed in the liver. It’s a good fat found in fish and through exercise. So, if HDL levels are high, it reduces the risk of artery disease, especially if it exceeds 50 mg/dL.

People who should be tested for blood lipids at Trin Wellness

Recommend people aged 35 years and over. Should be tested at least once a year Including those who have various factors as follows

  • People experiencing abnormal symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness, fainting, and frequent dizziness.
  • Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) higher than the general standard.
  • Those who smoke and consume alcohol regularly.
  • Individuals with a family history of inherited diseases such as heart disease, thyroid disease, and those with high blood lipid levels.

Preparing for a blood lipid test:

Many people may wonder if they need to fast before a blood test and how many hours they should fast. Here’s some advice from the experts at Trin Wellness:

  • Fast for at least 8-12 hours before the test (you can drink a small amount of plain water).
  • Avoid high-fat foods for at least 3 days before the test.

After getting a blood test for lipid levels:

  • You can drink water and eat immediately.
  • Apply pressure to the puncture site for at least 5-10 minutes. Avoid rubbing or massaging the area to prevent blood vessel damage.
  • If there’s greenish bruising around the puncture site, it may be due to a broken blood vessel. Such bruises typically heal within 1-2 weeks and can be treated with bruise-healing ointments, but it’s best not to rub or massage the bruised area.

Results of blood lipid tests according to standard criteria:

Each type of blood lipid has appropriate levels according to varying standards, which include both high and low levels compared to the standard. There are also levels of lipids that impact health. Here are the details:

Type of Fat Standard Fat Level High/Low Fat Level Compared to Standard Health Impact Fat Level
Cholesterol Less than 200 mg/dL 200-239 mg/dL 240 mg/dL and above
Triglycerides Less than 150 mg/dL 150-199 mg/dL 200-499 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol 60-130 ml/dl. 130-159 ml/dl. 160-189 ml/dl.
HDL Cholesterol 60 ml/dl. 35-45 ml/dl. Less than 35 mg/dL.

Why should you get your blood lipids checked at Doctor Trin Wellness?

At Dr trin Wellness, we have a program to check the blood fat level, so that people who are at risk of illness can take preventative measures and take care of their own health.

ตรวจระดับไขมันคลอเรสเตอรอลในเลือด (Cholesterol)

ตรวจระดับไขมันไตรกลีเซอร์ไรด์ในเลือด (Triglyceride)

ตรวจระดับไขมันที่มีความหนาแน่นต่ำ LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)

ตรวจระดับไขมันที่มีความหนาแน่นสูง HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein)

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